Code of Practice
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Only a financial member of the New Zealand Kennel Club may apply to join the scheme. Dogs NZ Accredited Breeders will allow New Zealand Kennel Club the opportunity to review their compliance procedures and to investigate any issues.
All advertising material will have the Dogs NZ Accredited Breeders logo e.g. business cards, newspaper advertisements.
Dogs NZ Accredited Breeders shall breed with the purpose of improving the quality and/or working ability of the breed in accordance with the Breed Standard and the health, welfare and soundness of their dogs having regard to the following:
The health, physical welfare and fitness for the function of dogs is of prime importance, and
That the Dogs NZ Accredited Breeders shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that dogs bred by them do not suffer from any disorder that impedes their sight, breathing and ability to move freely or which is otherwise detrimental to their comfort and wellbeing.
Dogs NZ Accredited Breeders shall take responsible action to reduce the incidence of hereditary diseases where possible.Dogs NZ Accredited Breeders shall not incorrectly describe nor knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of a breed.
All sires and dams of litters notified by an Accredited Breeder must be permanently identified (microchip or tattoo) and have a DNA profile. These details are to be lodged with the New Zealand Kennel Club. If frozen semen from a deceased or unavailable sire is used, a DNA profile is to be performed at the time the semen is used.
Note: For Dogs NZ Accredited Breeders when using frozen semen from untested dogs the following applies.
- In the case of frozen semen from an untested deceased dog, a sample for DNA profile and any mandatory DNA tests must be taken by a veterinarian, and submitted for analysis, at time of insemination. Certification from the veterinarian that this sample has been taken must be provided. In lieu of remaining mandatory tests (can include DNA tests if unsuccessful on the semen), two progeny resulting from the mating must be tested, and results submitted, within an acceptable timeframe.
- In the case of frozen semen from an untested live dog living overseas. Every attempt must be made to get mandatory tests done on the dog in the country of residence. In cases where Dogs NZ ABS testing requirements are significantly different to those of the country of origin, dispensation may be applied for in writing, in advance of the mating to the Canine Health& Welfare committee. If dispensation is granted the regulation as per untested semen from a deceased dog, will apply. There will be a limit of ONE successful (one or more live puppies produced) breeding unit of the semen in question. If the semen is used again, and the dog is still alive, then results must be submitted for mandatory tests before registration of that second (and subsequent) litter.
- In the case of frozen semen from an untested live dog resident in New Zealand. No dispensation will be granted. All mandatory tests must be completed.
- Vaccination Certificate signed by a Veterinary Surgeon
- Accredited Breeders Sale and Purchase Agreement
- Dietary Information
Dogs NZ Accredited Breeders shall ensure that all persons acquiring dogs from the Member clearly understand their responsibility for the care and welfare of the animal and that they have the time and facilities (i.e. adequate fences, sufficient room and proper shelter etc) to perform their obligations.
Dogs NZ Accredited Breeders will not breed from a Dog or Bitch before 12 months and have had all-breed appropriate health checks done.
Dogs NZ Accredited Breeders will not breed from a bitch over the age of 8 years at whelping, provision for dispensation with good cause shown prior to mating.
Dogs NZ Accredited Breeders will not breed from father-daughter, mother-son or brother-sister; Brother-sister defined as same sire and dam, not necessarily the same litter, but not applying to half-brother/sister. Provision for a dispensation can be applied for with good cause.
Dogs NZ Accredited Breeders number of litters in a lifetime of a bitch: no registrations of puppies from beyond 4 litters, with no exceptions.
A maximum number of litters from any bitch cannot exceed 2 in any 18 month period.
All owners or lessee of the bitch must have achieved Accreditation if resident in New Zealand.
Dogs NZ Accredited Breeders will provide the New Zealand Kennel Club upon request with the opportunity to review their compliance procedures and to investigate if issues arise, and to abide by the ruling of the New Zealand Kennel Club and/or the independent Mediator.
Litter information advised to Dogs NZ must be correct.
An open book Exam on Dog Nutrition and Basic Genetics must be completed. These can be applied for from the New Zealand Kennel Club.
Any person wishing to make a complaint about a Dogs NZ Accredited Breeder must do so in writing to the Director/Secretary.
Any such complaint must be lodged within 14 days of the time when the matter which is the subject of the complaint either was discovered or should have been discovered.