Rules & Regulations
Dogs NZ Rules and Regulations The following NZKC Rules and Regulations are available as PDF documents: NZKC Constitution (Rules)
- Summary of Disputes Regulation Changes - Feb 2025 Obedience CD - Gold Heelwork & Scent Patterns Obedience CD - Silver Heelwork & Scent Patterns Obedience CD - Heelwork & Scent Patterns Scentwork Regulations - Summary of Scentwork Regulation Changes - Jan 2025 Judges Regulations Obedience Judges Regulations Lure Coursing Regulations - Summary of Lure Coursing Regulation Changes - July 2024 Junior Showmanship Regulations FCI Show Regulations National Dog Show - MOU NZKC Certificate of Appreciation Criteria NZKC Life Membership Criteria Dogs NZ 10 Year Strategy 2021-2030 Dogs New Zealand Code of Conduct - Dispensation requests, please email
Show Regulations
Agility Regulations
Dog Training Regulations
Registration Regulations
Changing Regulations or New Zealand Kennel Club Policy
A recommendation can be made to the Annual Conference of Delegates. This is the same procedure as presenting a remit. A recommendation is in the form of a direction to Executive Council and need not be in Regulation format.
For any matter to be considered by the Executive Council it MUST be in writing and sent to the Director/Secretary. Correspondence sent to Executive Councillors directly is not placed on the agenda. This does not mean that you should not lobby councillors or send them copies of matters you want raised. In fact you should discuss your proposals informally with Councillors if this is appropriate for the topic. To be successful, a topic should be sent to the Director/Secretary at least two weeks prior to a Council meeting and it will be circulated in the mail out prior to the meeting and the Executive Council will be better able to consider it. Rules
Change of Rules
A remit must be in the form of a Rule change and be correctly worded. No rule can directly contradict another without deleting the existing rule it conflicts with. The date for the conference is set five years in advance. Formal notices are sent out in February each year and remits close in mid April. The club is obliged to post out remits one month prior to the conference and this is done in the form of a year book that also contains the president's report, financial statements, any proposed fee changes, candidates for election, recommendations, discussion papers, lists of officers, and annual statistics. Most rule changes require a two-thirds majority of those voting to gain approval. Presenting your Remit
A rule can only be altered if the Annual Conference of Delegates approves it in the manner laid down in the club's rules. It is therefore very important that any rule change is correctly worded to do what is required to approve or prohibit any activity. Attending Conference
Represent an Associated Club. Each year an election is conducted amongst local Associated clubs for delegates to represent them at Annual conference. Nominations are called shortly after the conference for the next year. The election is conducted later in the year and the delegate announced in December. Be elected a Zone Representative for your Zone. This requires active participation in Zone affairs representing your club at zone meetings. |