NDOA 2021 - Entries closing soon
Entries for the 2021 NDOA close on Tuesday 31 August.
You can enter this show online via the Dogs NZ website. The NDOA show has a built in payment system, please use this and do not make separate internet banking payments as reconciling these during lockdown is problematic.
Competitors who have already entered but have not paid – please log back on and complete this process before the show closes. Once the show closes you will not be able to logon to complete payment.
If you have posted entries to this show, please email Sue Conner at website@dogsnz.org.nz to discuss entry options. We do not have access to our mail currently so these entries will not be processed.
Competitors who have already entered but have not paid – please log back on and complete this process before the show closes. Once the show closes you will not be able to logon to complete payment.
If you have posted entries to this show, please email Sue Conner at website@dogsnz.org.nz to discuss entry options. We do not have access to our mail currently so these entries will not be processed.

The NDOA has a built-in payment system. You do NOT need to log out and do a separate payment.
Once you have entered your dogs, click done, and then close, this will take you to the registration and payment screen.(refer to screenshot right).
Please pay immediately after entering.
NDOA 2021 Schedule
The NDOA schedule is available for viewing here.
Paws n Music 2021
Click here to download a pdf of the Paws N Music Entry form.