Membership of Dogs New Zealand
Benefits of membership
You will need to be a member of Dogs New Zealand (Dogs NZ) formerly the New Zealand Kennel Club to:
- Register a dog with Dogs NZ
- Register or renew a Kennel Name
- Enter a dog at a Championship or Open Show or handle a dog at any Championship or Open Dog Training Test or any Agility Event
- Breed a bitch (the owner of the stud dog does not have to be a member)
- Be a Dogs New Zealand Judge
- Be a delegate to the Annual Conference
- Be a member of the Executive Council
- Hold executive office in any Affiliated or Associated Society
Other Benefits
- Discounted rates on the Interislander and Bluebridge
- Preferential rates with Initial Hygiene
Note: An individual does not need to be a member of Dogs New Zealand to:
- Own a dog, including a dog used at stud
- Handle a dog in the breed show ring (however, owners must be members)
- Hold a non-executive post in a club.
To be a member of Dogs NZ you must also be a member of one of our affiliated, associated or recognised clubs. Contact a club of your interest. Register your interest and let us know what club you have joined when joining the Dogs NZ.
Join Dogs New Zealand
- Join Dogs NZ by joining online. You will be required to make an online payment by credit card.
- If you dont have a credit card you can download the pdf to send in: Click here for Application pdf
- Overseas residents wishing to join Dogs NZ, can also join online.
If you permanently reside outside of New Zealand you are not required to subscribe to NZ Dog World and you are not required to be a member of an Affiliated or Associated Club.
If you are joining the Dogs NZ to enable your dogs to be exhibited in New Zealand by an agent, please supply details of your agent.
Application for Kennel Name online
As a member of Dogs NZ, you are able to make application for a Kennel Name. If you are applying for a Kennel Name with others, they will need to be members of the Dogs NZ and you will need to detail their names and Dogs NZ membership numbers. No more than four people can jointly own a Kennel Name.
Abiding by Dogs NZ Rules
Club members are directly bound to observe the Rules and Regulations of the Club and are personally subject to the Club's disciplinary provisions. They are also liable for the indiscretions of the handlers of any of their dogs.
All members should abide by the Dogs New Zealand Code of Conduct.
Become an online user
Use your membership number and password to access the membership section of this website.
You are able to change your password, check and change your personal details online, make subscription payments using your credit card and search pedigree histories.