Frequently Asked Questions
Web Site
How do I get a password?Visit the How to Logon Page for more information.
When I log in I get logged out right away?
The Dogs NZ web site uses cookies to track members as they move around the site. If your browsers security settings are too high you may not be able to store the cookie. Try to reduce the security level of your browser.
How much is a transfer fee?$30.00
Where do I get show entry forms?
From the Dogs NZ Office, $15.00 for 50 forms or personalized $30.00 for 50 forms.
How do I get a Championship Certificate?
Send in 8 original Challenge Certificates to the Dogs NZ Office. No charge for the first Championship Certificate, subsequent copies are $25.00 each.
How many certificates are required for Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum merit awards, and what is the cost?20 Certs for Bronze, 40 Certs for Silver, 50 Certs for Gold and 100 Certs for Platinum. The cost $33.00 each certificate.
I have an Imported Dog, how do I get this registered?
You must have a Certified Export Pedigree showing your name and NZ address, this from the last country of registration. The NZ owner must be financial with Dogs New Zealand and pay a registration fee.