Canine Good Basics (CGB)

In July 2017, the Canine Good Basics (CGB) programme was launched to enable the average dog handler or owner to learn what is expected of a pet dog during its early learning stages of training.
Its intention is to make it achievable for any dog and their owner/handler, as well as providing a potential step towards Canine Good Citizen (CGC) certifications.
Canine Good Basics exercises reflect what is expected of a pet dog, based on likely experienced everyday situations.
Exercises involved are
- Handler to correctly answer five standardised questions
- Accepting collar being held for a few steps
- Taking a treat nicely
- Handling/grooming by the handler
- Accepting approach and touch by an assessor
- Accepting a friendly dog
- Name recognition
- Lead walking
- Come when called
- Sit or down on cue
- 30 second stay
Because National Certification is involved and Dogs NZ holds the licensing rights for CGB programs, official Assessments can ONLY be conducted by Dogs NZ registered CGC Societies who have contracted an approved Dogs NZ CGB Assessor for the occasion.This ensures that the continuity of set standards expected are maintained as a National canine training and evaluation program.
Unlike CGC Assessments, however, CGB Assessments can be conducted during club training sessions, at dog shows, or at any public dog event since they are simple exercises and do not take long to complete.
For those who pass, CGB Certificates are provided by the hosting society and as an added incentive, a ribbon is also available to be purchased.Club administrators - download an editable A5 certificate here
Canine Good Basics Summary Form - download an editable CGB Summary Form here
Canine Good Basics Assessors Form - download an editable CGB Application to become an Assessor here
Who can participate?
The CGB program is open to all owners of vaccinated purebred or crossbred dogs of all ages. However while it is highly recommended that training commences as early as possible, CGB Assessments can only be done once dogs are over six months of age, and handlers must be no less than eight years of age.
All CGC programmes are licensed and controlled by Dogs New Zealand (Dogs NZ).
While participants are not required to be a member of Dogs NZ for the duration of any training undertaken, some Dogs NZ registered CGC Societies that provide training may require participants to become members of their Society.
Contact details for those Societies who are registered by Dogs NZ to host CGB Assessments can be found by clicking on this link: Registered CGC Societies.
Clubs wishing to become involved in Canine Good Basics can email for information. There is no charge for becoming CGB registered.
Canine Good Basic Manual
Canine Good Basics has a full manual which is available here for downloading or viewing.
Further Information
If you would like more information on Canine Good Basics, please email