Breed Shows
Three Levels of Judging
In competition, dogs are judged at three levels: within their breed, by group and, finally, by best in show. At the breed level, dogs of the same breed are examined and, ultimately, one will be named Best of Breed (BOB). That dog advances to the next level - group competition.
There are seven groups (Toys, Terriers, Gundogs, Hounds, Working Group, Utility Group, Non-Sporting).
For example, in the Non-Sporting Group, the BOB Dalmatian, Great Dane, Boston Terrier, Tibetan Spaniel and other Non-Sporting breed winners compete against one another. Similarly, in the Hound group, the Basset, Afghan Hound, Whippet and other breed winners compete. At this level, each dog is judged in comparison to their standard, not against the looks of the other dogs. For example, competitors in the Hound group vary from the tallest breed, the Irish Wolfhound, to the shortest breed, the Miniature Dachshund.
You really can't compare the two, but the judge compares the Irish Wolfhound to his ideal and the Miniature Dachshund to his ideal. The winner is the dog that best matches his standard. The seven group winners advance to the Best in Show competition, where a judge examines the seven dogs in the same method as in the group judging, comparing the dogs to their appropriate standards.
Types of Breed Shows
These are shows where Challenge Certificates are on offer. One is on offer for the Best Dog and one for the Best Bitch in each breed. The judge has the option to refuse this award.
Only senior qualified judges are allowed to judge these shows. They must be listed on a current Championship Show Panel or if from overseas, meet the criteria set down for a judge from that country or have specific approval of the Executive Council.
Championship shows must be entered in advance of the show. A catalogue listing the details of every dog entered is produced. The owner(s) of a dog must be financial members of the Dogs New Zealand (Dogs NZ) formerly the New Zealand Kennel Club to enter a dog at a championship or open show.
Open ShowsOpen Shows are conducted like Championship Shows with pre-entry and Catalogues but Challenge Certificates are not on offer.
Ribbon Parades
Ribbon parades are designed as fun days for clubs, training grounds for judges and exhibitors and a place for the education of exhibitor, exhibit and judge alike.
Ribbons are the only prizes which can be awarded.
These are shows which are often conducted in conjunction with other clubs where elimination type judging takes place. They can come in many forms and are informal.
These are club events where conformation judging does not take place. These are the only activities that a club, that has not been recognised, can hold although they can take part in a match with another club.
The Show process
For more information on showing - Please read the Dogs NZ, Dog Showing Booklet - Click here
For a break down on the showing process from breed right through to in show - Click here