Deringolsta Kennels Scrapbook
Back to profile pageder Ingolsta Whitz
This is me when I was a wee fella,I'm certainly a bigger boy now.
Garry and Debbie of der Ingolsta would like to thank Norm Claude for his continued support over many years.
Here with CH der Ingolsta Felicity.
My Mum is Irana and I am known as the F girl so they call me Funkee, a Whispering Jack Daughter
Can I share your bone with you Jacko?
der Ingolsta Jon Jones and CH.der Ingolsta Ghandi, owned and loved by Sue Cooper
Two veterans together Norm and Suzie, showing that they can still do the off lead gait together and look good, even for two oldies.
Sorrow can be easier to bear by sharing it with the gentle compassion of a concerned pet. However, pet owners also know that one day they will have to face the sorrow of the loss of that pet,
some a lot sooner than would be expected. Such a loss can be hard to bear, but is often softened by happy memories of that special friend. My Mate Xiwar
der Ingolsta Xiwar
18.12.98 - 24.12.2000
Spellbinda Ali Baba (Oz boy)
Just resting, while watching over the chickens sheep and ponies.
Thank you Sharyn for giving Oz a wonderful home.
Is this one Mine Dad
Dazzel and Kaz having a friendly tussell the early morning wake up call.
A wee rest time
Thank you Audrey and Lloyd for giving Dazzel such a wonderful home
My name is Hawke, My Dad, Brian and I go visiting schools to Educate children in Road Safety
Kobi keeping warm and dry on a not so nice a day. Nice going Jo he's looking great
Hawke with some of the children at one of the schools he visits .
My name is Jess,
I'm just a wee angel for my mum and Dad, Trevor and Sarah
Matthew on holiday and enjoying cuddling the babies
Just a wee bit over crowded, Georgia letting the puppies have a nice warm bed and Georgia enjoying the warmth of the puppies on this very cold day
Thank you Jules Kanto looks just wonderful and certainly a real kool dude
I am a long coat with lotsa fluff all over, a real cutie
Harvey at 12 weeks looking just great, thanks Marie
Xamba interested in everything thats going on
Thanks Joanne for the work you have put into her, a credit to you.
Thank you Jennie for the wonderful pic of the 2 kids look forward to seeing you all soon
Thank you Carol for the great pics He is looking great
Bonnie just having a wee rest from the pups after feeding, she is a great Mum and has Excellent temperment
Thank you Marie,Harvey has certainly got things sussed at your place
Xamba,a very proud Mum after a very long and hard night. peacefully resting with all her new born babies. Joanne Walker the proud Midwife and Nanny is also pleased its all over.
Missy Giving the babies lotsa cuddles
Wee Troy
Shirrazz and Friend
Shaka.....Who Me
Room for me too
Puppy Class Cert
I'm Here Mum But Not in the Garden Whoops
Haylee and the Wee man
Gerry's wee long coat
Chaka posing for the camera
Are You really asleep
Anke Dec 05
Chaka happy to give sheepies ear a tickle
Troy the angel
An't luv grand it was love at first sight, Norm and Haylee Aug 05
Jacko; said thank you Santa for the swing seat this is where I'am staying
My name is Kane and this is my friend Oct,05
Kane relaxing and really enjoying life I'm A big by now just over 12 months.
Thank you Clive for giving Kane such a wonderful home
Indie and her new friend wondering if his chew bone is better than his
Thank you Paul and katie
Genieve and her babies
Me Not Doing a thing Dad
I didn't do it Dad Just broke in my hands(Teeth)Thank you Phillip for the great Pics
Indy is looking really great and quiet relax with his toys
All looking great thank you Brian and Angela
Opportunity not to be missed
thank you Dave and Michelle
Don't ya just love what kids can do
THank you Mandy for the pics of the kids they are looking great and all the best for the Future in the ring
Congratulations Mandy on the Win not many more Challenge's to go
Bindi and Sarge make a lovely couple
Tuckered out
THank you Mandy amd Russell for the pics they are great
Paul all looking good
Thank you
Thank you Rohaise, Darcy is looking great with Family and Friends and Obviously enjoying the extra time with them all at Christmas 07
Congratulaions on your Win and all the best for the future and enjoy what you are doing
Thank you Raewyn looking forward to seeing you again soon
Kessie and Roy
We will be good friends EH
Thank you Karen and Duncan for the pics of Max he is coming on just great keep up the good work
all the best
Charlotte and Jay in a water fight and look who is just loving it
what a beauty Jay standing tall
Thank you Donnell for the pics of Blades first birthday Geez how time fly's
WOW how did you hold him back from that feast, I bet he didn't share that with anyone after the candle was blown
Thank you for the wonderful pic