Stormbay Kennels Scrapbook
Back to profile pageRogue (Chesepi Taholah at Stormbay (Imp-UK)QC).
Hunting pheasants with Muddy and Hoppy.
Some of the team, from left to right, Muddy, Ship, Hoppy, Breeze, Bosun and Dylan
Muddy pups - 6 weeks old - almost all of them caught on film
Muddy pup 6 weeks old
Muddy pup 7 weeks
Wave pup 6 weeks old
Wave pups 6 weeks old
Penrose Grasshopper at Stormbay (Imp-UK) "Hoppy" with parrie
Chesepi Taholah at Stormbay (Imp-UK)QC "Rogue" with parrie
Penrose Open Fire at Stormbay (Imp-UK) "Dylan" with parrie on maize stubble
Chesepi Taholah at Stormbay (Imp-UK) QC with black swan
CH Stormbay Boatswains Buoy "Bosun" with parrie in swamp
CH Stormbay Boatswains Buoy "Bosun" with duck
CH Penrose Mucky Duck at Stormbay (Imp-UK) "Muddy" with black swan
CH Penrose Mucky Duck at Stormbay (Imp-UK) "Muddy" with parrie
Stormbay Amidships "Ship" with black swan
Stormbay Amidships "Ship" after a successful upland hunt
Chessie Express. Off to a gundog trial with the team on board.
Bosun (CH Stormbay Boatswain's Buoy) with a Paradise Shelduck
Bosun with a mallard duck
Bosun with a black swan
Drift (Stormbay Following Sea) starting the hunting season.
Left to right is Ship, Foehn, Hoppy and Bosun after a swan hunt.
Dylan (Penrose Open Fire at Stormbay (Imp-UK))
Foehn (Stormbay Fair Winds) at the start of the hunting season.
Ship brings back a Paradise Shelduck across wind swept grass.
Ship with a pheasant
Wave (Arnac Bay Sway at Stormbay (Imp-UK)QC) in the foreground with Storm (Stormbraka of Shandanah).
Ship (left) and Bosun outside the maimai waiting for ducks.
Drift and Fathom ready to learn their next hunting lesson.
Fathom (Stormbay Full Fathom Five) bringing back a Pukeko.
Foehn with a Paradise Shelduck
Hoppy (Penrose Grasshopper at Stormbay (Imp-UK) waits for her turn.
Hoppy with black swan.
Hoppy with large black swan.
Bosun with black swan.
Bosun follows Hoppy who is retrieving a paradise shelduck.
Fathom learning about diving ducks.
Foehn bring back a Pukeko.
Ship with a mallard and a perfect reflection.
Ship with mallard duck.
Rogue with a mallard who might not be enjoying the ride.
Ship looking for ducks at dusk.
Rogue brings back a paradise shelduck.
Hoppy with paradise shelduck.
Ship and Bosun still waiting for ducks.
Rogue with paradise shelduck.
Bosun after a hunt.
Hoppy and Bosun.
Chessies going hunting
Catch learning young to retrieve pigeons
Hard work on the Northern Wairoa River retrieving ducks through the mud
Chessies love big water entries
Keeler learns on bumpers
Ship with a dokken bumper in training
Keeper goes through his paces on bumpers
Puppies getting water experiance
Pilot learns early about ducks
Ship shows enthusiasm retrieving
Chase brings in his pigeon
Drift stretches his legs on a long retrieve
Rogue marks the fall of a duck
In thier element in the water
Bosun loves swan hunting
Take me hunting
Hoppy comes out of the mud with her duck
Parries on maize stubble is no problem. Long legs are an advantage in this country.
Captain hard at work looking for ducks.
Keeler strikes the classic Chessie look as she retrieves a parrie
Foehn at work on a pond.
Fathom with a pheasant.
Bosun waits on the back of the truck for his turn.
Bosun in action in a field trial retrieving a pigeon.
Captain coming home with his duck.
Drift brings me home a goose.
Captain at a field trial.
Drift on the geese again.
Keeler with parrie.
Bosun ploughs home through the mud with a duck.