Wyndova Kennels Scrapbook
Back to profile pageMonsimbee Brasko ("Croc")imp.Aust. A very powerful male from Zasko vom Prielberg.SchH3(Belg)/Quote von Walshagen.SchH1(Germ).
Photo taken at 49 months old.
Apache van de Vijf Molens and Sandra Soeters.
Great attention and ready to work.
Apache showing his fast retrieve.
All finished ... now for some bonding time !
Apache .. showing good strength in the 'Bark and Hold' exercise.
Wyndova Flint ("Sid") .. a very handsome dark gold sable male from the Sharka/Yakita 'F' litter.
"Diesel" .. hey, that was me back in Oct.2002 when I was planning my future. Yep, I made it .. filled that cap well too !!
Wyndova Nerissa.. certified Urban Search and Rescue(USAR) bitch and otherwise much loved family pet.
Ben and Scott, Ventura County action team.
Raennik Dartangion,imp Aust ("Digger") at 27 months old.
Bred 2:2 on Fax v. Grenzganger. SchH3(Performance+)imp.Germ. and 3:3 on Stormfront's Brawnson,SchH3,IPO3,FH,DPO2,WPO,PSD. USA Police Trials Champion 1999..
Bred by Leigh Robertson, Australia.
'DDR/Czech bloodlines'
Wolfheim Ischka ("Missy") a powerful and very good producing bitch bred from the second breeding of Raennik Dartangion to Wyndova Yakita.
Missy has a naturally serious protection instinct.
Wyndova Yoko.SchH1,IPO1 and Theresa Friis, her owner/trainer.
Yoko, a very lively and energetic young bitch, is involved in the sport of Schutzhund.
Wyndova Wrangler.PSD._
This photo was taken at his Police Graduation.
"Kai" is a litter brother of
"Rocco" and "Biddy" and is related to many of the others.
Wyndova Gringo
__ An extremely confident dog with balanced drives. He is very agile, always alert, always ready to get involved.
"Zouk" at 32 months old, from "Digger"(Raennik Dartangion) x "Keisha"(Wyndova Yakita) combo. A very athletic dog with a great scenting ability which he uses well in his LandSAR activities.
Owner/Trainer: Anne-Marie of Wanganui.
Wyndova Quake. TT1.("Ice") At just 2 years old and showing his inherited ability to perform. Bred from the Gringo/Wanda 'Q' litter.
His O/T is Lori Amlehn of Canterbury, NZ.
Wyndova Sharka.BH.
__ A very willing and open dog who enjoyed life and was always keen to be involved in whatever was happening ..................
*** "Sharka, my loyal and trusted mate, your spirit is finally free to race the wild wind." ***
Monsimbee Godiva("Diva")imp Aust.
.. a very energetic, high drive young female. Mother: Quote von Walshagen.SchH1 (Germany).. Sire: Alpinebase Vick(PD Sert) lineage of Australian working Service dogs.
Wyndova Yakita ("Keisha") Excellent colour; superb character and super prey drive.
She is one of the three 'Y' litter bitches.
Oooops, in the wrong section but I reckon I'm as good as those BIG boys...
I'm "Ruby" and 22 months old.
- Bushlands Red Ruby - if you wish to check on my ACD credentials !!
Wyndova Werocco("Rocco")_a tough boy when required but also a loyal mate to Kirk Fraser, Lower Hutt.
Wyndova Orrex.("Orrie")
A large and energetic but also laid back dog. He is proving to be a very good stud dog. Sire: Nordenstamm Chiller (Aust)
Dam: Taipan Pepper.
Taipan Pepper.
_A strong grey sable bitch with an excellent character. Her pedigree is full of well known European workingline stock.
Wolfheim Ischka ("Missy") an intense and serious bitch from Wyndova Yakita and Raennik Dartangion.imp Aust)
Wyndova Rockette ("Tui") at 11 months. She is a go-getter daughter of the Tequila vom Sennertal (imp Netherlands) and Raennik Dartangion (imp Aust).. O/T by Lori Amlehn of Canterbury.
Wyndova Zigger.PD. Another top son from a Kracka x Bindy litter.
Wyndova Vax,PSD.("Demon") _A very successful and respected operational Police Service Dog..now retired. Also, the sire of TV's "Dogsquad" stars Epic and Brock.
Wyndova Ushi ("Suey") 19 month old, super young bitch with great potential.
Sire: Wyndova Orrex.
Dam: Tequila vom Sennertal.imp Nld
Wyndova Echo. .. a boy with attitude!
Not quite 7 weeks old and, not only stretching the bungee cord, but shaking the article so vigourously that he lost balance..
an awesome wee lad of great promise.
Bred from 'Sharka'/'Pepper' 2008 'E' litter
Posing for a final photo prior to moving out around the country.
L-R: Galaxy, Granit, Glitz, Gyver, Girka.
Some of the 'G' litter from 'Neska' by Axel von Zorcha.
Wyndova Enzo ("Kane") Photo taken at 16 mths old. He's a substantial and mentally very well balanced young male with heaps of potential trainability. Kane is from the Sharka/Pepper 'E' litter.
Wyndova Quake.TT1.("Ice") at 15 months old. He is a very balanced go-getter with enthusiasm to try any new feat just like both of his parents......'Ice' is a Gringo/Wanda son and his O/T is Lori Amlehn of Canterbury, N.Z.
Wyndova Domingo("Ingo") _This pic taken at 22 months old shows a big change in this smart & substantial young male ....................
A Vax/Pepper son.
Wyndova Omica("Ceda") BH,IPO11, CGCB.. She is a bold, intelligent high drive bitch with great possibilities for a very successful future. Sired by Nordenstamm Chiller(Aust)from Taipan Pepper.
Trained by Theresa Friis.
If you wish to view an expanded pedigree of many of these dogs then paste this link into your browser.
Wyndova Erik("Coke")...pic taken at 27 months. He is a good looking black-sable coloured male.
Erik is from the Sharka/Pepper 'E' litter.
Monsimbee Brasko ("Croc")imp Aust.. pic taken at 49 months old. A medium height young male, physically powerful and mentally clear and strong with good balanced drives.
Wolfheim Falcon ("Yaal") at 15 months old from the
"Digger"(Raennik Dartangion) x
"Keisha(Wyndova Yakita) combo. He is a dog with tremendous potential and mental strength so rarely seen in a young dog.
Owner/Trainer: Kim Foster of Huntly.
Nordenstamm Chiller. SchH3,IPO3,VPG3,FH1,AD,Kkl2,a/Z,WUSV2007.
Australasia's best ever International contestant.
(Semen stored in NZ)
'Nordenstamm Chiller' with his owner/trainer Oenone Hibberd at the WUSV Meisterschaft 2007, Bratislava, Slovakia.
'Chiller' clean jumping the 1 metre hurdle while retrieving the dumbbell.
"Chiller" and Oenone. This pic speaks for itself. :)
A spectacular action photo of Chiller during the WUSV Meisterschaft 2007 in Slovakia
'Chiller' disregarding the chilly conditions and demonstrating his ability to be totally focussed when tracking. This trait, inherited from his mother Grazie vom Talka Marda, is what earned him a 100 point FH1 track under SV Judge Raino Fluegge.
Tequila vom Sennertal (imp Nld). 'Quila' is a g'daughter of the renowned Max van Tiekerhook and carries many very useful Tiekerhook lines which will knit well with our NZ family.
Wyndova Lasso ("Luke"). A very intelligent and athletic young male living a dog's dream life on a coastal Hawkes Bay farm. Luke is from the Digger/Pepper 'L' litter.
Wyndova Mario ("Thor"). He is an operational P.D from the "M" litter of Raennik Dartangion x Wyndova Wanda.
Wyndova Quake ("Ice") A beautiful head profile taken on his 2nd birthday
Wyndova Xmpt("Rush")at 24 months old.
2016 Police Dog Nationals - Winner ..
Wyndova vor-Bismarck at 18 months old. Super dark sable son of Tequila vom Sennertal(imp Nlds)from "Digger" Raennik Dartangion(imp Aust)
Wyndova Bismarck .. a super dark sable son of Tequila vom Sennertal.(imp Netherlands)from Raennik Dartangion(imp Aust)"Digger". This photo of him at 18 months old taken on a beautiful Gisborne beach ..
Wyndova Velvet ("Bella") a very sound, firm nerved bitch from Raennik Dartangion.imp Aust, and Tequila vom Sennertal.imp Netherlands.
Wyndova Vor-Bismarck @ 20 months. This young dog is developing into a very athletic and intelligent male. He has an uncanny resemblance to Koos Haasing's excellent "Max van Tiekerhook" who is his mother's paternal Grandfather.
Wyndova Biska ("Mishka") at 20 months. A very balanced bitch from Wyndova Gringo x Wolfheim Ischka. A much loved family pet living a rural life with Judith McMillan.
Wyndova Classique ("Brandy") at 18 months. An athletic bitch with good working drives being trained in Specific Scent Detection. She is from the very good last litter of Wyndova Omica x Raennik Dartangion.(imp Aust) .... OT.. Maria Noanoa, Napier.
Wyndova Chiller ("Max") at 18 months. A very lively, pushy and full on young male from the very good Wyndova Omica x Raennik Dartangion,(imp Aust.) "C" litter.
Wyndova Chiller ("Max") at 18 months. His very intense stare can look right through !!