
Bichon Frise - Information and NZ Breed Standards

Membership ID

Bichon Frise

General Information - Bichon Frise



12-15 years




Watchdog Ability:

Protection Ability:
Very low

Area of Origin:

Date of Origin:
Ancient times

Other Names:
Tenerife dog, Bichon Tenerife, Bichon A Poil Frise

Original Function:
Companion, performer


The Bichon Frise is an old breed that can be traced to the 1300's, but it is likely to be far older (some people say it pre-dates the Common Era). Its oldest recognised ancestor is the BarBichon cam, or "water spaniel," which evolved into four breeds: the Bichon Bolognese, the Bichon Havanese, the Bichon Maltese and the Bichon Tenerife. Today's Bichon Frise, named in 1933, is directly descended from the Tenerife. The Bichon Tenerife attracted the attention of Europe's nobility, particularly those in Italy, as well as wealthy merchants. As Italian influence spread, the Tenerife happily followed. The dog became part of the court of the French King Francis in the early 1500s. By the late 1500s, the Tenerife had become a favorite of France's King Henry III, who reportedly had a Tenerife travel with him wherever he went. The dog was pampered, perfumed and beribboned, giving rise to the French verb, "Bichonner" (to pamper). The Bichon Tenerife was soon given a prominent place in other countries, and artists included a Bichon-like dog in many of their portraits. The Spanish artist Francisco Goya was one famous artist who favored the Bichon Tenerife. The dog gradually lost his aristocratic favor and became a street dog, performing in circuses and fairs. The breed survived and in 1933, the name was changed to Bichon a polio Frise (Bichon with the curly coat). The name was shortened to Bichon Frise.


Although small, the Bichon is an active dog and needs daily exercise. Its needs can be met with a vigorous indoor game or, better, a romp in the yard or a short walk on leash. The white powder-puff coat needs brushing and combing every other day, plus scissoring and trimming every two months. It doesn't shed, but the loose hairs become entangled in the coat and can mat. It may be difficult to keep white in some areas. This is not a dog that should live outdoors.

Bichon Frise

A breed standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament, and appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function with soundness essential. Breeders and judges should at all times be careful to avoid obvious conditions and exaggerations, as well as being mindful of features which could be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or soundness of this breed.

Breed Standard - Bichon Frise

General Appearance: Well balanced dog of smart appearance, closely coated with handsome plume carried over the back. Natural white coat curling loosely. Head carriage proud and high.

Characteristics: Gay, happy, lively little dog.

Temperament: Friendly and outgoing.

Head and Skull: Ratio of muzzle length to skull length 3: 5. On a head of the correct width and length, lines drawn between the outer corners of the eyes and nose will create a near equilateral triangle. Whole head in balance with body. Muzzle not thick, heavy nor snipey. Cheeks flat, not very strongly muscled. Stop moderate but definite, hollow between eyebrows just visible. Skull slightly rounded, not coarse, with hair accentuating rounded appearance. Nose large, round, black, soft and shiny.

Eyes: Dark, round with black eye rims, surrounded by dark haloes, consisting of well pigmented skin. Forward:looking, fairly large but not almond:shaped, neither obliquely set nor protruding. Showing no white when looking forward. Alert, full of expression.

Ears: Hanging close to head, well covered with flowing hair longer than leathers, set on slightly higher than eye level and rather forward on skull. Carried forward when dog alert, forward edge touching skull. Leather reaching approximately half:way along muzzle.

Mouth: Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Full dentition desirable. Lips fine, fairly tight and completely black.

Neck: Arched neck fairly long, about one:third the length of body. Carried high and proudly. Round and slim near head, gradually broadening to fit smoothly into shoulders.

Forequarters: Shoulders oblique, not prominent, equal in length to upper arm. Upper arm fits close to body. Legs straight, perpendicular, when seen from front; not too finely boned. Pasterns short and straight viewed from front, very slightly sloping viewed from side.

Body: Forechest well developed, deep brisket. Ribs well sprung, floating ribs not terminating abruptly. Loin broad, well muscled, slightly arched and well tucked up. Pelvis broad, croup slightly rounded. Length from withers to tailset should equal height from withers to ground.

Hindquarters: Thighs broad and well rounded. Stifles well bent; hocks well angulated and metatarsals perpendicular.

Feet: Tight, rounded and well knuckled up. Pads black. Nails preferably black.

Tail: Normally carried raised and curved gracefully over the back but not tightly curled. Never docked. Carried in line with backbone, only hair touching back; tail itself not in contact. Set on level with topline, neither too high nor too low. Corkscrew tail undesirable.

Gait/movement: Balanced and effortless with an easy reach and drive maintaining a steady and level topline. Legs moving straight along line of travel, with hind pads showing.

Coat: Fine, silky with soft corkscrew curls, neither flat nor corded and measuring 7-10cms (3-4 ins) in length. The dog may be presented trimmed or untrimmed.

Colour: White, but cream or apricot markings acceptable up to 18 months. Under white coat, dark pigment desirable. Black, blue or beige markings often found on skin.

Size: Ideal height 23-28 cms (9-11 ins) at withers.

Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dog’s ability to perform its traditional work.

Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

DNZ No 106
Copyright Dogs New Zealand
07 Jul 2016

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dog’s ability to perform its traditional work.

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