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Deutsch Langhaar - Information and NZ Breed Standards
Deutsch Langhaar
General Information - Deutsch Langhaar

12-14 years
Area of Origin:
Date of Origin:
16th century
Other Names:
German Long-haired Pointing Dog
Original Function:
Multi-purpose Gundog
The German Longhaired Pointer is a breed of dog developed in Germany. It is used as a multi-purpose gundog. It is closely related to its cousins, the German Shorthaired Pointer, the German Wirehaired Pointer and the Large Munsterlander, which was previously part of the breed.Deutsch Langhaar
A breed standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament, and appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function with soundness essential. Breeders and judges should at all times be careful to avoid obvious conditions and exaggerations, as well as being mindful of features which could be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or soundness of this breed.
Breed Standard - Deutsch Langhaar
ORIGIN: Germany.
UTILIZATION: Versatile working Gundog. In accordance with his various requirements as a versatile gundog the German Longhaired Pointing Dog needs to have the required abilities for all work in field, water and forest and for working well before and after the shot.
Section 1.2 Continental pointing dogs, “Spaniel Type”.
With working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The German long-haired Pointing Dog combines the bloodlines of a bird-, hawk- and water dog as well as of Bracken (Scenthounds). He, therefore, has scope for great versatility. Since 1879 pure breeding has been carried out and the main characteristics of the breed. In 1897, Baron von Schorlemer wrote the first standard for the German Long-haired and thus laid the foundation stone for today’s pure breeding.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Strong; muscular; low set; flowing lines. Smaller dogs must have plenty of substance, but too massive and thereby clumsy dogs are not desired.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Muzzle and skull of equal length. The dog must not be overbuilt but slightly higher at shoulder than rump.
BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: Balanced, calm, temperament, good natured, easily trained.
Skull: Slightly rounded
Stop: Gently rising, not deep and sharp.
Nose: Brown, slightly lighter spots permitted. Muzzle: Lightly arched, not too slender.
Lips: Not overlapping too much.
Jaws/Teeth: Jaws not too fine. Well developed and complete (42 teeth) scissor bite i.e. upper incisors closely overlapping the lower incisors.
Teeth formula: 3142-- x 2 = 42
Top 3 Canines, 1 Incisor, 4 Premolars, 2 Molars x2 Bottom 3 Canines, 1 Incisor, 4 Premolars, 3 Molars x2. Total = 42
Cheeks: Cheekbones not too strong.
EYES: Brown colour, as dark as possible. Lids fitting close to eyeballs, without visible haw. Set neither too deep, nor protruding.
EARS: Not set on too low, turned slightly forward.
NECK: Strong and noble. No dewlap. Getting harmoniously stronger towards the chest. Not too short.
Back: Straight, firm, not too long. Loin: Especially muscular.
Croup: Long, with moderate slope.
Chest: Forechest well developed ribcage broad and deep, reaching at least to elbows.
TAIL: Carried not too high. It should be carried horizontally, the last third being slightly curved upwards.
General appearance: In normal stance, bones of upper arm, forearm and of foot, seen from the front, should form an almost vertical line.
Shoulder: Close fitting. Seen from side, in repose, shoulder-blade and upper arm should form approximately a right angle.
Elbow: Close fitting.
Carpus (Wrist): Slightly angulated.
Metacarpus (Pastern): Not quite straight. Not quite upright. Only slightly inclined.
Forefeet: Pads coarse and strong.
General appearance: Seen from behind, the hip bone, upper thigh, bones of lower thigh and of foot should form a vertical line.
Hock joint: Special value is attached to good angulation. Metatarsus (Rear pastern): No dewclaws.
Hind feet: Pads coarse and strong.
GAIT/MOVEMENT: Ground covering movement with good drive from hindquarters.
SKIN: Close fitting to body, no wrinkles.
Hair: The greatest importance is attached to correct coat. Neither excessively long nor too short hair. On back and sides of body: Hair 3 - 5 cm (1.2 - 2.0 in), close fitting. On underside of neck, on chest and belly, coat may be longer.
Hair on head much shorter, but longer than on a short-haired German Pointing Dog. Topknot not desired. Hair on ears wavy and feathered. Hair on body is sleek, firm, smooth or slightly wavy, close fitting and dense with good undercoat. Well coated belly.
Tail with good plume, coated to tip.
Back of front legs feathered. Back of hind legs feathered, forming breeches. Below hock hair is significantly shorter. Dense short hair between toes. Too much feathering is not desired.
Self coloured brown.
Brown with white or speckled markings (especially on chest and feet).
Dark roan (with large or smaller dark brown patches; brown head, possibly with white blaze, snip or star).
Pale roan (with large or smaller pale brown patches; brown head with possibly white blaze, snip or star).
Mottled (many small brown spots on white background; head brown, possibly with white blaze, snip or star).
Brown and white, either pure brown and white or with very few small spots (large brown patches with saddle or blanket. Head brown, possibly with white blaze, snip or star).
Occasionally fawn markings may occur as a very old throw-back to the Hounds.
Height at the withers:
Males: 60 -70 cms (23.6 - 27.6 in), ideal height 63 - 66 cms. (24.8 - 26.0 in)
Females: 58 - 66 cms (22.8 - 26.0 in), ideal height 60 - 63 cms. (23.6 - 24.8 in)
Weight: Average: 30 kgs. (66.1 lbs)
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and its ability to perform its traditional work.
- Pale hawk-eyes, slanting position of eyes.
- Ears not carried against the cheeks, leathery tips.
- Hollow back, roach back.
- Barrel shaped or too narrow chest.
- Curled or hooked tail.
- Scapulo-humeral angle too open, pastern too straight.
- Cowhocked, bow legged hindquarters.
- Splayed feet, cat or hare feet.
- Longer hair as beard; bushy eyebrows; curly coat.
- Aggressive or overly shy dogs.
- Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities.
- Insufficient bone and muscles.
- Head diverging from breed type.
- Ectropion (lids turned outwards). Entropion (lids turned inwards or eyelids which have been corrected.
- Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
- Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding.
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dog’s ability to perform its traditional work.

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