General Information - Lowchen

13-15 years
very little
Watchdog ability:
Protection ability:
very low
Area of Origin:
France, Germany
Date of Origin:
Other Names:
Little Lion Dog
Original Function:
Lowchen (pronounced lerv-chun) means "little lion dog," and in France the breed is known as Le Petit Chien Lion. The Lowchen shares common roots with other members of the Bichon family, which includes the Bichon Frise and Havanese, among others. Germany, Russia and France have all laid claim to the breed. The exact time and place of its origin is obscure, but dogs resembling the Lowchen, sporting the distinctive lion trim, can be found in 16th-century German art. Its popularity continued through the 1800s. Goya is one of many artists to have featured the Lowchen on canvas. With the coming of the 20th century and the two World Wars, the popularity of the Lowchen waned. By 1960, they were granted the title "rarest breed" by the Guinness Book of World records. No longer, however, do they win the dubitable claim to fame as the "rarest breed.Temperament
This is a lively, inquisitive, affectionate dog. It is a mixture of playful spirit and calm soul mate, a good companion for a quiet family. It is willing to please and responsive to commands, and it is devoted to its family. Some may bark or dig a lot.Upkeep
The Lowchen can receive ample exercise with a short walk or active game every day. It enjoys a mental challenge. It is not a breed that should live outside, although it appreciates access to a yard during the day. Its coat needs brushing or combing about every other day. Clipping to maintain the traditional lion trim must be done every month or two. Many pet owners prefer to keep their dogs in a puppy clip.