Dominion Poodle Club

Contact Details
Erica Rowe95 Reynolds Road
Whanganui 4581
Phone: 0278104057
Committee Details
President: Barbara Crocker | |||
Vice President: Wendy Jellyman Secretay/Treasurer: Erica Rowe, | |||
Secretary / Treasurer |
Upcoming Shows and Events
In 2018, Our annual Championship show will be held on Saturday 18th August, prior to but in conjunction with Wellington Ladies Kennel Association championship Show in Ring one of the Blackhawk. Welington Events Centre.Our judge this year is Mr. Mel Saranchuk an experienced AllBreeds judge from Canada. Exhibitors are to report at 8-30am to commence Judging at 9.00am
Club Activities
Our club holds several events each year, including a Championship Breed Show, Poodle walks, ribbon parades, grooming days (all of which are followed by a shared lunch in a social atmosphere) and an annual Christmas party. Our financial year ends 30th. June and annual subscriptions of $15 single, or $20 family, become due 1st of July each yearClub Scrapbook

2/6/2014 Championship show Trophy table

BEST IN SHOW - BEST TOY - BEST JUNIOR BH & MM Joyes' "Ch. Silvista Lilac Ice"

Best Standard - Best Open - RESERVE BEST IN SHOW - S. Donaldson's "Aust. Sup. & NZ Ch. Asti Firestorm ET (Imp. Aust)

Best Miniature in Show - Barbara Crocker's "Inchcolm Raise your Glass"

Best N.Z. Bred in Show W.E. & Erica Jellyman's "Ch. Top Gear By Whitout"

Best Baby Puppy in Show B.H. & M.M. Joyes' "Hoku Cool Summer Breeze (Imp.Aust.)"

Best Puppy in Show R.T. & A.E. Udy's "Gai Gamin White Linen"