Hamilton Kennel Association
Hamilton Kennel Association Inc (affiliated to NZKC) Our Club has been in existence since 1919 as an All Breeds club with first minutes being documented in 1921. We cater for all the pedigree breeds that are recognised by the NZKC. Our objects are - * to improve the various breeds of dogs by holding dog shows * to encourage the breeding of correct types of dogs * to promote good fellowship among dog owners, breeders and exhibitors New members always welcome. AGM is in November. Join us Please check out the Scrapbook page by clicking on top right hand corner
Contact Details
Giselle Jeannes
PO Box 96
Hazel Willcock
Vice President
Heather Christieson
Giselle Jeannes
021 343 356
Giselle Jeannes
021 343 356
Jo Croft
Sue Chaytor
Jo Knighton
Talitha Barrington
Bev Dudeck
Upcoming Shows and Events
1 x open show and Championship Benefit Show 5th January 2025
FCI Show Friday 28th Feb 2025
All breeds Championship Show Saturday and Sunday 1st & 2nd March 2025
Club Activities
Watch this space for results and for details of our next event Bosch-Petworkz our major sponsor check out our scrapbook for latest pictures- courtesy Supashots Check out NZ Dog World magazine for details of our next showClub Scrapbook

Best in Show 22/23 July 2006 Julie Bedford, Black Labrador and the judge Mr Sonny Tougas (Canada)

Reserve Best in show 22/23 July 2006 Owner/breeder/handler Dianne Dickinson, Ch Dwynella Lucy in the Sky and the judges Sonny Tougas, Tammie JOhnston and Kim Ramey-leBlanc

CH Zaminka Flashlight on winning Best in show 11/3/2007 Judge Bruce Marquette

CH Cambermere Ezra Holy Wisper winning Reserve Best in Show on 11/3/2007

Reserve Best in show 22nd July 2007 Ch Ronndal Fairy Lights owned by Eva Ekstam

Puppy stakes winner 22-7-07 Cristabo Starlite Serenade

NZ Bred stakes winner 22-7-2007 CH Miado Diamond Connection

Best in show 22-7-2007 Ch Miado Mountain Mist

Best in show 9-3-8 judge R Williams Gr Ch Zaminka Flashlight

Res Best in show judge R Williams 9-3-8 CH Ronndal Elven Song

BIS 20-7-2008 CH Leander Mac Kenzie

1st NZ Bred stakes 20-7-2008- Ch Ebonn Tiz a Classic Dezin

1st Puppy stakes -20-7-2008 - Cuebiyar Powder Monkey

RBIS- 20-7-2008 Magnufi Federico Imp Aust

Eva Ekstam, Paul Robinson and Aust Gr/NZ Gr Ch Robwyn Dreams Are Free winning Best in Show 10-1-2009

Eva Ekstam, Pip Simmons with Aust/NZ CH Ashlaren Sophie Sapphire after winning Reserve in Show-10/1/2009

BIS Sunday 8th March 2009 CH Melander Mack Kenzie, Handler Monique Pointon and judge of the day Steve Meredith.

Pictured with Judge Mrs G Johnston is Monique Pointon and her co-owned Rottweiler-Sahne Ultimate Vandal (AI). Winning Best in show Saturday 13th March 2010

Mrs D Brown with her Aust/NZ Gr Ch Keaton Blak in a Flash (Imp Aust) Dachshund (L/H) and BIS judge Mr Bill Smith winning Best in show on Sunday 14th March 2010

HKA BIS Sat CH Rojeme Pop Gun with Handler Steve Meredith and judge Guy Spagnolo

HKA BIS Sunday Bearpark Mega Marley, Handler Lenard Thomson and Judge John van Daalen

Best in Show Sunday 9/3/2014 was Ch Kissd Zedevil of Kalesha

Reserve Best in Show 9/3/2014 was Glen Clova Temptd by the Stars
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