Otago Kennel Association

Contact Details
Mr Lindsay Bryant152 Sidey Street
Calton Hill
Phone: 03 487 9608
Email: bryant.l@xtra.co.nz
Committee Details
President | Kirsty Boyle | (03) 4727907 | power_booth@yahoo.co.nz |
Secretary | Lindsay Bryant | (03) 487 9608 | bryant.l@xtra.co.nz |
Treasurer | Louise Thompson Parker | (03) 471 0109 | alouise@clear.net.nz |
Upcoming Shows and Events
All Breeds Championship Show, Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th March 2017Judges: 18th & 19th March 2017
Mrs Vickie Schneider - Queensland, Aust.
Saturday - 1, 6, 5, 2 & BIS
Sunday - 7, 4 & 3
Mrs Carol Keong - Queensland, Aust.
Saturday - 7, 4 & 3
Sunday - 1, 6, 5, 2 & BIS
The Sunday show is the Gerry Boyle Memorial Show who passed away in late 2016 and was a life member of the Otago Kennel Association and was instrumental in the fundraising and construction of the NZKC Forrester Park Complex.
Club Activities
The Otago Kennel Association is an all Breeds Club and holds two Championship Shows in July each year. A newsletter (DOG NEWS) is distributed to members quarterly providing information of interest and events in the world of dogs. If you have any items that may be of interest to our members, that could be used in our Newsletter please email Secretary New Members are always welcome. ______________________________ ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Annual General Meeting 2016 Annual General Meeting was held on Monday 11th April at 152 Sidey Street at 8.00pm. Officers of the Club remain same. Inquiries to The Secretary Otago Kennel Association P O Box 5486 Moray Place Dunedin 9058 or Contact Secretary bryant.l@xtra.co.nz or phone Evenings 4879608 Day 0276074981