South Island Hound Club
The South Island Hound Club is a group club that covers all Hound breeds in the South Island. Members own at least 20 of the different Hound breeds recognised by the NZKC.
Contact Details
Ms Lucy ChalcraftGatekeepers Cottage
140 Rhodes Road
Phone: 027 296 7660
Committee Details
President | Mike Stewart |
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Vice President | Jackie Newton-Williams |
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Secretary | Lucy Chalcraft | 027 296 7660 | |
Upcoming Shows and Events
Two Championship Shows are held each year, the first in late May and the second on the Sunday of Canterbury Show weekend. Ribbon Parades are held as and when possible.Club Activities
The SIHC caters for the pet and show person with Fun walks and Ribbon Parades as well as 2 Championship Shows. A quarterly newsletter "Hounding" is sent out in March, June, September and December. Fundraising activities include Raffles, Auctions and Lucky Dips.