Southern Newfoundland Society

Contact Details
Charlotte Mundy295 Coutts Island Road
RD 1
Phone: 03 323 8133
Committee Details
Vice President | Brendon Williamson | 03 3133140 | |
Secretary | Charlotte Mundy | 03 323 8133 | |
Treasurer | Charlotte Mundy | 03 3238133 | |
President | Donald Munro | 03 3133140 | |
Upcoming Shows and Events
Upcoming events:Our next event is a walk on Pegasus Beach on Sunday the 30th of April 2017.
Meet in the Pegasus Beach car park at 11am.
Club Activities
We provide a range of activities throughout the year e.g. cart and water training, NZKC shows, water fun days, general social days with grooming advice and fun activities, walks and participate in local christmas parades.Club Scrapbook

Water Fun

Carting, is a great community activity

Resting after a hard day!

Veteran on parade, with his distinguished grey hairs

Carting at Brooklands Gala Day

Our stunning line up at the Xmas Parade last year

Our stand,with Newf Photos on display.

Wellington giving his friends a ride.

Darjon Vineyard Gourmet Market Day

A precious moment with a young admirer

Carting at a fundraiser, Darjon Vineyard, North Canterbury

Hey but I am not sharing my stick!!!

Tail blowing in the breeze

Here I am!!! Found it!!!!

Just love the water!!!

A sea of Newfs

Splish Splash

Our Club President getting a tow!

Rosa, just after fetching her toy, all in a days work!