The Hound Club Of Auckland

Contact Details
Jill Brooker837 Hauraki Road
RD 4
Phone: 07 867 5542
Committee Details
President | Maurice Brooker | 0-7-8675542 | |
Vice President | Ken Clewlow | ||
Secretary | Jill Brooker | 0-7-8675542 | |
Treasurer | Jill Brooker | 0-7-8675542 | |
Committee | Ken & Alison Jackson | (09)626-5712 |
Upcoming Shows and Events
Friday 10th April 2009 - Easter Championship Show.Club Activities
Championship Shows Open Shows Ribbon Parades Newsletter "The Hound Sound" 4 times yearly Fun Days Committee meeting every third Monday in the monthClub Scrapbook

BIS and OIS 12/02/05 Judge Mr J Forbes NSW Whippet CH Ronndal Ura Dream Cum Tru owned by Miss Bethany St George

12/02/05 RBIS & IIS Whippet GR CH Ronndal Xciting Dream owned By Eva Ekstam

12/02/05 BPIS Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Rokeena Leplus Dynamique (Imp Aust) owned by M&R Jenkinson and R Wallis

12/02/05 PIS Mini Smooth Dachshund Drysdale Jimmy Cricket N Gold owner T Stanton

12/02/05 JIS Rhodesian Rigdeback Rhodepark Red Dragon (Imp Aust) owner T & R Davis

12/02/05 NZIS Beagle CH Beaurein Likapinash owner T Dibben

12/02/05 VIS Borzoi CH Zefna Midnite Express (Imp Aust)owner M. Joslin

12/02/05 Top Hound 2004 Basenji NZCH Baagna Zats Red Hot(Imp Aust) owner N Walker Judges Mrs C Dodson, Mrs N Harrison and Dale Spear breeder Mr J Forbes with rosette

Runner Up Top Hound 2004 Whippet CH Ronndal Ura Dream Cum Tru owner B St George