Mr Bruce Anderson

All BreedsAbout Me
All my life I have been involved with dogs. As a child my family owned Labradors. I obtained my first Irish Setter in 1974 and started out first in obedience and then into conformation showing in 1976. The Aubernee breeding prefix was started in 1980 first with the Irish Setters and then in 1990 with the German Shepherd Dogs. Many of my dogs have attained the title of Champion, with one reaching the prestigious title of Grand Champion and I have had multi-Best in Show winners and many in show winners at All Breeds Championship Shows. In the German Shepherd specialist ring I have bred two gold medal winners, many in show winners as well as many multi-excellent rated and Breed Survey Class I animals.My interest in dogs then extended into conformation judging in 1984 and in 2015 I gained my all breeds license enabling me to judge all breeds and Best in Show at Championship Show level worldwide, as well as being a qualified German Shepherd Dog Breed Surveyor and Specialist German Shepherd Dog show judge. On the 1st October 2011 I was awarded my certificate for passing the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia Specialist Judge's Extension Course.
I have served on numerous Dog Club Committees over these years, holding positions of President, Vice-President, Breed Surveyor Co-Ordinator plus many more. Currently I am President of the East Coast Ladies Kennel Association.
My wife Faye and myself own and operate the very successful Aubernee Boarding and Breeding Kennels.
Judging History
HighlightsBeing invited back to judge in the Philippines by the same Club eighteen months later.
Being the first international judge to judge at the Western Visayas German Shepherd Dog Club.
Judging group specials Gundogs and Working Dogs at Dalwood Childrens Home Charity Show in Sydney, Australia.
I have judged in New Zealand, Australia, China and the Philippines.