Geraldine Gulbransen

All BreedsAbout Me
Qualification: Licensed All Breeds JudgeHistory: I have been involved with pedigree dogs and showing all my life with my parents showing and breeding Old English Sheepdogs and Bulldogs. My sister bred and handled Old English sheepdogs then Staffordshire Bull Terriers.
My love with German Shepherds started as a young girl and I have owned shown and bred German Shepherds under the Deverill prefix breeding since then, owning multiple Champion, Grand Champion and In Show winners, competing successfully at both all breed and specialist shows.
I have also owned and shown Old English Sheepdogs, Bulldogs, and Pointers and have a strong involvement with both the Working and Gundog groups. I have recently become involved with the Bracco Italiano now owning one of this beautiful breed. I have also handled many other breeds across the groups.
Club Interests: I am currently President of the Manawatu Kennel Association All Breed Club, Past Secretary of the Manawatu Judges Association, Past President and life member of the Central Districts German Shepherd Dog Club and Patron of the Wellington District German Shepherd dog club.
I am passionate about judges training and am actively involved with the NZKC judge’s scheme having participated as a practical examiner for the judge’s exams
I have served as Senior Vice President of the NZKC and on Executive.
Judging: I attained my first Championship group for Working in 1987 and progressed from there to attain my All Breed Judges Licence.
I have judged extensively in Australia and New Zealand and have also judged in Sweden, Ireland, Malaysia, China, Japan, Philippines and Poland.
I have judged many specialty shows for the different groups and breeds including German Shepherd Specialty shows. I had the privilege of judging German Shepherds at the Krakow Kennel Club in Poland.
I have attended as a spectator many major shows such as Crufts on a number of occasions, the World Shows plus GSD specialty shows in Germany and Scandinavia.
Through my dogs and my judging I have been privileged to meet some wonderful people and judge some beautiful animals.