Ms Lavina Diamanti

All Breeds, Junior ShowmanshipAbout Me
Dogs have always been an integral part of Lavinas’ life and her venture into the show world started with a Great Dane. Shetland Sheepdogs have become her main love, but she has also owned and shown Pyrenean Mountain Dogs and a Smooth Fox Terrier.Life membership of Marlborough Kennel Assn was recognition of the dedicated service to her local club, including many years as president. At National level, she has served as an Executive Councillor for NZKC (Dogs NZ) and as Coordinator for the NZ Junior Dog Handler Competition. In addition to this she was instrumental in establishing the NZ Junior Showmanship Judges training scheme. Lavina is passionate about judges’ education and was a board member of the NZ Dog Judges Assn from its inception in 2013 until 2023. During her time on the board she set up and managed the NZDJA website, managed the social media content, wrote a monthly page for the NZ Dog World plus was heavily involved in the exam writing in the last couple of years.
She has judged throughout NZ and Australia and judged at the 2022 Sydney Royal and 2022 Toowoomba Royal. She has also judged the NZ National Junior Handler final plus the Australian Junior Handler final Her involvement with the Judges Assn has given her incredible insight into this side of our sport and she is a great believer that we need to share our knowledge, not only with other judges but with exhibitors as well. Lavina continues with judges education as Chair of the Nelson Judges Assn branch plus running regular online training which she opens up to all NZ judges and also is a regular contributor to the NZ Dog World under her own page - Ringside Thoughts.
Judging History
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