Mr Martin Hewitt

Open Show, Group 3, Group 4, Group 5, Show Ribbon ParadeAbout Me
Martin has been involved in canine activities since 1977. In conjunction with his wife, Wendy, they have bred Basset Hounds under the Hunterspark prefix since 1979 to the current day. They have bred and owned three Grand Champions in this breed. In 1988 they imported the first registered Foxhounds into New Zealand and bred several litters in that breed. One of the original imports became a Grand Champion. Currently they also own and breed Miniature Smooth Haired Dachshunds (Pentaki) and Petit Basset Griffon Vendeens (Beauvoir)having also introduced this breed to New Zealand.Martin has been actively involved in club administration and is currently President of the Waimakariri Kennel Association, resident of the Canterbury Dachshund Club and Vice President of The Basset Hound Club (NZ). He was a founding member of the Supreme Show Dog Contest, former President and currently a committee member.
Martin has taken an active involvement in te New Zealand Kennel Club and is currently Chairman of the Breed Standards Committee. He is currently on the Dogs NZ Executive Council for a seconds term. Previously he was an Executive Councillor and Senior Vice President of the Club.
In 2013 the New Zealand Dog Judges Association was incorporated as an autonomous organisation and he was on the steering committee leading the the formation of that organisation and served for two years as President.
Martin has judged extensively throughout New Zealand and also in Australia in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. Further afield he has judged in the USA, England and Scotland and is able to award Challenges in Bassets and PBGVs in the UK. In the UK he has had the privilege of judging the prestigious Windsor Dog Show and also Hound Show.
He has judged specialty shows for Basset Hounds (UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand), Beagles, Salukis, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Irish Wolfhounds and Golden Retrievers
Recent Shows Judged At
May 2005 Central Golden Retriever ClubMarch 2006 Buller KA
July 2006 Beenleigh and District KC (Australia)
July 2006 Combined CCC Clubs (Australia)
Sep 2006 Longview Kelso KC (USA)
Sep 2006 Basset Hound Club of Portland (USA)
Sep 2006 NZKC National Prelude Show (NZ)
November 2006 The St Bernard Club (Open Show) (NZ)
May 2007 Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cheshire Basset Hound Club (England)
March 2008 The Auckland Beagle Club
March 2008 Auckland Kennel Council
August 2008 Lillydale KC (Australia)
November 2009 All Breeds Dog Club of South Australia
December 2010 Hutt Valley KA
August 2012 Canterbury KA Open
January 2013 North Canterbury KA
March 2013 Hibiscus Coast KA
June 2013 Norwest Canine Association (Australia)
June 2013 Parramatta & Districts All Breeds KC (Australia)
June 2014 Basset Hound Club of Queensland (QLD)
August 2014 Canterbury KA
Judging History
I commenced judging in 1988 and qualified to judge the Hound Group at Championship Show level in 1993 and the Gundog Group in 1997 and the Working Group in 2015.It has been my privilege to judge my Groups not only in New Zealand but also in Australia, England, Scotland and the USA.
Some special highlights for me have been:
- to judge Basset Hound specialties in New Zealand, Australia (twice), USA and England.
- Being approved to award Challenge Certificates to Basset Hounds and Petit Baset Griffon Vendeen in the UK
- Being invited to judge the Petit Basset Griffon Vendeens, Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens and Springer Spaniels at the Windsor Dog Show (UK)
Panels Aspiring To