Mrs Merle Powley

Open Show, Group 4, Group 5, Show Ribbon ParadeAbout Me
My husband and I live on a rural property in Northern Waikato.I am currently the President of the Whippet Club NZ inc, I consider this a great honour.
Recent Shows Judged At
My two most recent appointments at Championship shows wereCambridge kennel Club Hound Group
Benefit Show Ak Working Group plus Beagles
Judging History
.I have been invited to judge in Australia on several occasions, appointments I have thoroughly enjoyed.
The highlight for me in judging was the invitation to judge the South Island Whippet Club Specialty, where I drew, a still unbeaten record entry
In 2002 I convened New Zealand’s first “ National Whippet Show”, with judge Bo Bengtson, world renowned Whipet Specialist.
I thoroughly enjoy judging dogs, where ever they might be.
Panels Aspiring To