Miss Nicole Adams
Open Show, Show Ribbon ParadeAbout Me
My involvment in dogs stems back about 40 years when I was growing up with my parents who owned, bred, exhibited and field trialled Labrador Retrievers, my first time in the ring was when I was about 4 years old with a young chocolate labrader call brad. Many years later my mother branched into the terrier ring with Norwich Terrier of which I worked closed with my mum both exhibiting and breeding. I along with my partner shared a love of Bull Terriers obtaining our first one 30 years ago, this passion grew and I obtained my first pedigree bull terrier in 1992 and have been involved in this breed every since. In 2006 my young daughter was lucky enough to be gifted a beautiful Australian Terrier and since that day this breed as become a huge part of our family. My absolute love is Terriers, however my partner was very fortunate to get a gorgeous Bulldog male that I took the reins off and showed him to great sucess so I have also held a huge interest in the Non-sporting group as well.
I have been heavily involved in multiple clubs holding many executive postions, I was for many years secretary of both the Canterbury Combined Terrier Club, Canterbury Bull Terrier Club, I am currently Secretary of the Canterbury Juniors Kennel Society a club that is here to encourage young people to get involved in dog showing both in the ring and out. I am also currently president of the United Bull Breeds Association a relativly new club that has 9 recognised bull breeds across 3 different groups. I am very activie in encouraging people to be involved in pedigree dogs and also get involved in showing.
It took some time but natural progression came into play and I finally decided to step into the judging arena and I have thouroughly enjoyed it today, I have spent time on the Ribbon Parade Panel and have now been accepted onto the Open Panel and looking forward to continuing to gain further knowledge and excited about judging some wonderful dogs. I will continue to grow and enjoy myself, I will continue to be an advocate for pedigree dogs and continue to support our wonderful Junior members.
Recent Shows Judged
Marlbrough Kennel Assn - Ribbon Parade
Dominion Chihuhua Club - Ribbon Parade
Southern Bulldog Club - Ribbon Parade
Nelson Kennel - Ribbon Parade
Judging History
I have completed 10 ribbons parades and now looking forward to juding on the open panel.Panels Aspiring To
Terrier Group first