Mr P R Stables

Open Show, Show Ribbon Parade, Specialist Breed (Alaskan Malamute)About Me
We met our first alaskan malamute in 1986, and we were captivated by the breed. We purchased our first puppy (a male) in 1986, and our breeder introduced us to the world of dog showing. The following year we purchased our foundation bitch.Our interest in this, the oldest of the natural breeds, has given us much pleasure and enjoyment over the years, as we both show and work our dogs.
To date there are some 26 conformation ring champions who carry our kennel name, And of the 19 alaskan malamute sled dog champions, 14 carry our kennel name, or are directly bred from dogs we have bred.
Our kennel name, Hootalinqua, is named after a small village on the Yukon River.
I am a foundation member of the Northern Alaskan Malamute Club Inc, and have served on the committee for a number of years, holding the positions of President and Secretary We are the first life members of this club. I have served as secretary and vice president of the Auckland Kennel Council for some 11 years. I was a member of the Lands committee during the exciting period when the indoor venue was constructed.
Recent Shows Judged At
I have recently judged a number of specialist ribbon parades, 2 open shows conducted by the AKC, 2 open shows conducted by Kumeu.I have also judged the Northern Alaskan Malamute Club Inc speciality championship show held in conjunction with the 2006 Nationals. Since then I have judged for Northland Canine Assn (allbreeds) and the Australian Kelpie Club open show
Judging History
My mentors in becoming a judge were the late Cyril Gavin and Lindsay Bradley. More lately Gwen Johnston has given me excellent advice.I have been honoured by 3 specialist clubs, and 2 allbreeds clubs in being invited to judge a second, and in one case a third, time.
Highllights include my first appointment, Kumeu, my first specialist ribbon parade (Kelpies) my first Best in Show appointment (AKC), and my first Alaskan Malamute speciality championship show.
My first overseas appointment was with the NSW Alaskan Malamute Club
Panels Aspiring To
I am currently working toward the utility group panel