Mrs Sue Chaytor

Open Show, Group 1, Group 5, Show Ribbon ParadeAbout Me
For me judging started in 1971, with Dairy Cattle. I had always liked dogs, and after swapping a \'Goldie\' for \'Persian cat\', dabbled in competition obedience gaining a CDX title with my Golden. I liked the way Border collies worked, so chose this breed for the farm as well.In 1983 I bought two pedigree Border Collies, one with Clan-Abby lines and one with Gotrah lines, these started the Dajarra Border Collies Kennels, in addition, I had trained, owned and shown Golden Retrevers, GSD's, English Setters and Aust Kelpies and handled Irish WolfHounds and Great Danes.
It seemed a natural progression to move onto stewarding and then on to judging. And in 1999 I gained my licence to judge.
I was honoured with the first Life membership of the Cambridge Dog Obedience Club in 1989. In 2005 I was awarded Life membership of Waikato & Districts Collie Club Inc Previously been Secretary and President of WWDA, WDCC and show secretary of Cambridge KA and ex-Secretary of Waikato Branch NZKC Judges Assoc.and current Secretary Cambridge Kennel Assoc also current Chair of Waikato Branch Judges Assoc.
Currently I am the only recognised NZ Speciaist Breed Judge for Border Collies.
South Island Collie Club Inc 39 Roughs 36 Borders
Border Collie Club of Victoria 105 Border collies.
A few of the Shows I have Judged At:
Border Collie Club of NSW 130 Border colliesSouth Island Collie Club Inc 39 Roughs 36 Borders
Border Collie Club of Victoria 105 Border collies.
Working Dog Club of Queensland
Adelaide & Districts Working Dog Club
Enjoyed my first Specialty appointment at the
Border Collie Club of NSW in Sydney April 2005, and multi Specialty SICC July 2005.
And look forward to many more.
Hounds or Gundogs or Utility sigh . . . so many groups so little time.:-))
At this stage I am able to Judge at Ribbon Parades, Open Shows level also Toy and Working Championship level.
Judging History
I thoroughly enjoy each and every judging appointment whether it be at Ribbon Parades or Open shows etc..Enjoyed my first Specialty appointment at the
Border Collie Club of NSW in Sydney April 2005, and multi Specialty SICC July 2005.
And look forward to many more.
Panels Aspiring To
I really enjoy the following Groups, but yet to decide which to select.Hounds or Gundogs or Utility sigh . . . so many groups so little time.:-))
At this stage I am able to Judge at Ribbon Parades, Open Shows level also Toy and Working Championship level.