Sylvia Schmidt

Open Show, Group 3, Group 4, Show Ribbon ParadeAbout Me
My late husband & I bought our first dog in early 1973, a gordon setter Glengordon Lord Angus, from Val Ormandy. We showed him, made him up to a Champion and got the Gordon bug. In 1975 we imported a pair from the UK, a 4 year old bitch and a puppy dog. These two were the foundations of the Black Watch Kennel.To date, 32 Black Watch Gordons have been made up to Champion, and two have qualified QC in field trials. We were also the breeders of the first gordon in New Zealand to win Best in Show all breeds.
My family had Labradors as pets only. My involvement with other breeds has been in conjuction with my sister, who bred Afghans & St Bernards, and with other friends who breed English & Irish Setters, English Springers & Golden Retrievers
I qualified to judge the Gundog group at Championship show level in 1989, and the Hound group in 1993.
I am a software developer and operate my own business.
Recent Shows Judged At
14/04/01 Irish Setter Assn of NSW15/04/01 Gordon Setter Club of NSW
22/04/01 Southern Gundog Soc Wollongong, (Retrievers & Pointers & Gen Specials)
15/09/01 Canterbury Ladies Kennel Assoociation (Hounds)
15/02/03 Otago Southland Gundog Society
30/03/03 Canterbury Kennel Assn (Hounds)
Judging History
The highlight of my judging career to date was being invited to judge the Breed Championship show for the Gordon Setter Club of NSW. I consider it a great honour to be asked to judge one\'s own breed internationally.Panels Aspiring To
Terrier Group